Saturday, December 10, 2011

Connecting the dots!!

Today I can say that I am proud of myself. There was a time few months back when I was on the verge of quitting everything because of series of events and the people around. But today as I look back and think, I feel happy that I did not go ahead with the decision to quit the Institution I came to due to my hard work. Despite the various lows I saw during the last few months, I emerged a winner today. Few days back I got my grade card for the last semester and I am proud to say that I proved myself, despite the isolation, hospitalization, and a lot more issues, I got a real high grade and I am among the top few in the class. People do come to me and ask me the reason for me seeming really happy and smiling all time and I am glad that somewhere I am back to the person I was. These are the people who used to have fun on my expense, people who on the face will be very sweet and concerned and as you move away, would mock at your situation!
Last semester I was on the verge of a breakdown but there were few who were always on my side and I would want to thank them for it. My parents who pre-poned their trip and came visiting me and stayed with me for sometime, though the regret would be that I could not spend much time with ma pa because of the pending assignments I had after the hospitalization. The love and affection and the support parents provide, one can never get that kind of unconditional love from anyone else except them. Love you ma and pa and not to forget my sisters.
Despite going to the counselling centre for advice and counselling, it didn't help. I guess that is the side-effect of one being from the psychology field as you know the techniques the counselor is using. There is one teacher whose lines really helped me. She being my field work supervisor was even more concerned about me as currently I am placed at Thane Mental Hospital, which is a difficult setting to work in. She provided me with the time and space I required for crisis management, she, during my I.Cs gave me the space to talk about the situation I was going through and the things which she said really helped me through and those words will always stay with me.
Today, a month into the fourth semester and I am back on track with a hold on my life. I've started doing the things I love to do. Started teaching kids again and today participated in a poster making and collage making competition and won the second prize. I am glad that my confidence is back!
Life Sahi hai! Tension Nahi hai!
As I was thinking about the events today, the quote on my wall seemed so appropriate and I can say that the dots really do connect in the future and now I see the reason behind all the events!
" You can't Connect the dots looking forward:
You can only connect them looking backward
So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future" - Steve Jobs

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